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According to a recent survey, these are the places where women traveling alone are the most (and least) safe

The study by the travel specialists at Bounce examined various nations’ views on issues like violence against women, how safe women felt traveling alone at night, and broader indications of gender equality to identify the safest (and least safe) locations for women traveling alone.

The top 10 most secure nations for female travelers alone in 2023:

The percentage of women who have ever been subjected to physical or sexual abuse by an intimate relationship.*Percentage of women who concur that, in some situations, it is acceptable for a husband or spouse to physically abuse their wife or partner.

With a 7.45 out of 10 overall safety rating, Spain is the safest nation for female tourists traveling alone.  Four of the seven criteria were among the highest-scoring countries, with Spain ranking among them. With a score of 9.6%, it received a 0.3 out of 1 rating for its acceptance of violence against women and the laws that are in place to protect women from abuse.

Norway ranks as the second-most secure nation on the list for female travelers traveling alone, with a safety rating of 7.41 out of 10. Having a high female homicide rate (0.6 per 100,000 people), a high gender gap index score (0.879 out of 1), and a high score for the safety of women traveling alone at night (83%). Oslo, the capital of Norway, has a reputation for being a very safe city with minimal crime.

The Netherlands ranks third among safest countries for female travelers traveling alone, with an overall safety score of 7.14 out of 10. The nation receives top marks for having strict laws against domestic violence. With low crime rates and a safety score of 73.8 out of 100, it is also considered a safe country for people of all genders.

With a 5.49 overall safety score, the UK came in at number fourteen on the list.

Source- Travel daily

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