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According to SiteMinder's global research, travelers from Asia and Latin America are the most digitized and leisure-minded

According to SiteMinder’s global research, travelers from Asia and Latin America are the most digitized and leisure-minded

The 2023 edition of the world’s largest consumer research on accommodations, published by SiteMinder, the top open hotel commerce platform, finds that travelers from Asia and Latin America have the highest intentions to travel globally over the next 12 months. Travelers from India (78%), China (76%), Indonesia (65%), and Mexico (64%) all plan to travel more in the upcoming year compared to the global average of 57%.

At 60% in India, 57% in Thailand, 53% in Indonesia, 47% in China, and 41% in Mexico, the percentage of travelers who plan to work during their next trip is likewise highest among those from Asia and Latin America. In the US, the percentages fall to 31%, while they average 25% in Europe and 22% in Australia.

The results are contained in SiteMinder’s Changing Traveller Report 2023, which is based on a study of more than 10,000 tourists from 12 of the biggest travel source markets in the world, including Australia, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Thailand, UK, and the United States. They are among the four fundamental traits that underlie the travel intentions and driving forces that will affect the worldwide lodging market in the upcoming year.

The intrepid traveler is dedicated to exploring regardless of the cost of living.

The digitally reliant: Dependent on emerging technologies and tethered to gadgets

Making memories by investing on experiences, such as attending a roaring ’20s revival

The willing participant: a welcoming ally to the neighborhood and accommodations.

One in two travelers, especially those from other countries, want to spend “most of the time” or “considerable time” at their accommodations on their next vacation. This trend can be seen throughout the world. At 81% in India, 77% in Thailand, 72% in Indonesia, and 62% in Mexico, this statistic is once again highest among visitors from Asia and Latin America; this finding may be related to the market’s preference for leisure travel.

SiteMinder’s Changing Traveller Report 2023 reveals that digitalization is Asia and Latin America’s most significant area of leadership, above travel intent and leisure planning. While many tourists believe that if hotels were more tech-savvy, their booking experience and stay onsite would be improved, this perception is strongest in China and Thailand (95%), Indonesia (92%), India (91%) and Mexico (85%).

Additionally, Asia and Latin America come in first place for:

Influence of social media: Visitors from these two locations are most highly impacted by social media when choosing where to stay. While 70% of travelers worldwide claim that social media has an impact on how they find lodging options, that percentage jumps to 97% in Indonesia, 95% in Thailand, 92% in India, and 87% in Mexico. Only 46% of Britons and 42% of Germans agree, in comparison.

At least 60% of tourists in the two regions report that they are likely to use AI to produce lodging recommendations. The percentage is highest in China at 88%, followed by Thailand at 86%. The percentage is only 24% and 23% in the UK and Germany, respectively.

When given the option of communicating in person or using a gadget while staying at their accommodations, travelers in these two regions prefer doing so more than people anywhere else in the globe. At 51%, China is ranked first, followed by Indonesia at 46%. The percentage of visitors from France (19%) and Germany (18%) who choose this is the lowest.

Trent Innes, chief growth officer of SiteMinder, says the study confirms the widespread use of smartphones in Asia and Latin America and emphasizes how urgent it is for lodging providers to adopt new technology.

The strength of travel intentions across the board, but especially in the high-growth markets we studied — Asia and Latin America — should be encouraging to all enterprises in the lodging industry. The expectations for workspaces, and in particular, digitized experiences, come with that strong intent, adds Innes. Accommodation operators would do well to assess each touchpoint during their customers’ journeys, from the planning and booking phases through to experiencing and beyond, as these tourists’ numbers abroad increase. The modern traveler is reliant on technology, and this is truer in Asia and Latin America than everywhere else on earth. Therefore, it’s critical that lodging companies who want to draw visitors from these fast-growing areas be able to live up to those visitors’ expectations of a fully digitalized guest experience.

Source- Travel daily


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