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Barbie fantasies can be fulfilled in Porto's WOW - The Cultural District's Pink Palace Experience.

Barbie fantasies can be fulfilled in Porto’s WOW – The Cultural District’s Pink Palace Experience.

The Pink Palace Experience, one of the quirkiest museums in the world, is a part of WOW – The Cultural District, Portugal’s newest cultural destination, which includes 7 museums and 12 restaurants that tell the fascinating story of Porto’s history. There is no better time to visit WOW – The Cultural District as Barbiemania takes hold this summer.

The most significant subject of WOW is wine, which makes sense given that WOW is set in Portugal’s second-largest medieval city and that port wine has been the city’s primary export for centuries.

One of The Cultural District’s seven museums, The Pink Palace Experience, is mostly a celebration of rose wine. But it goes far beyond that. Visitors are immersed not only in the world of Rosé but also in a celebration of all things pink during this extravagant, flamboyant, and sensual experience.

Each of the eleven rooms at The Pink Palace has been designed with a particular vision that is both entertaining and educational, producing photo-worthy and shareable moments and experiences for anyone looking to learn about Rosé wine in a novel and interesting way.

Quinta do Vale do Brago Rosé, AIX Gran Vin de Provence Rosé, Mateus Rosé, Vértice Rosé Bruto, and Croft Pink Rosé Port are the five rosés that can be sampled during the event. Yet another excellent reason to enjoy the long summer.

Visitors learn that rosés are produced using a variety of winemaking processes from grapes grown in various geographic locations and climates throughout the world in the eleven rooms. In other words, there is a genuine variety of wine underneath these “pink hues.” You’ll need a sense of humor, some downtime, an urge to explore, and, of course, a cell phone battery to start this voyage.


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