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Explore the Peaceful Setouchi Region of Japan

Explore the Peaceful Setouchi Region of Japan

Many of JR’s rail passes have seen price increases recently. One thing is evident after a month of the new pricing structure: travelers must work hard to extract enough value to make the purchase worthwhile. JR’s passes used to require a very compelling argument not to be purchased. These days, there are plenty of possible travel routes where buying standard tickets is the more economical choice for a lot of tourists visiting Japan.

Many in the tourism industry are beginning to advocate for slow travel and interacting with local communities because it is no longer as inexpensive to travel across the nation as it once was. This new trend is all about authenticity and depth rather than hopping from one popular tourist destination to another. Major transit hubs will always be crucial from a logistical standpoint, but more and more people—especially those with prior experience visiting Japan—are seeking to visit the country’s rural areas.

The trend for leisurely travel and venturing further off the main path coincides with Japan’s best moments. The number of tourists arriving from outside is at an all-time high, owing to the combined effects of a declining value of the yen and an increase in worldwide travel. Over 2 million tourists visited Japan during the summer, which made many people think about the issue of overtourism once more. This is a word we haven’t heard much since the time before the pandemic. Travelers can enter Japan for the first time since 2019 in the autumn of 2023, thus October and November will likely be extremely busy.

Fortunately, most foreign visitors still don’t know much about Japan. Aside from the mainstays, lesser-known jewels like the towns of Nagato and Hagi in Yamaguchi Prefecture are less popular than other places. Setouchi is therefore ideally adapted to satisfy the evolving demands of tourists as a region. Setouchi appeals to a more refined clientele that wants to take it easy and truly experience Japan, with plenty of opportunities for those interested in culture, art, nature, etc.

If Setouchi is unfamiliar to you, be aware that it is a region of Japan that includes many of the prefectures on the Island of Shikoku and the western portion of Honshu (Hyogo, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Tokushima, Kagawa, and Ehime Prefectures). Setouchi, a region connected by the Seto Inland Sea, has a common coastal culture that is comparable to that of the Mediterranean. Although Setouchi is most known for its endless islands, the region is also endowed with mountains and other beautiful views.

We think your readers might like these simple add-ons, which are listed below, either before or after Hiroshima. We’ll also highlight a few other locations in the upcoming months on prefectures on the island of Shikoku in Japan.

Source- Travel daily

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