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Halloween Horror Map Haunted Britain

Halloween Horror Map: Haunted Britain

The party décor gurus at Ginger Ray have done a survey* to find out what Britain’s top worries are for 2023 as the Halloween season approaches quickly.

Ginger Ray is able to expose not just the most horrifying Halloween horrors in the UK but also their genuine, physical terrors in order to disclose the collective mind in all its spine-chilling splendor.

The majority of British people (24%) claim they are afraid of spiders, making them the most common phobia in the country. Vomit was revealed to be the second-biggest fear in the UK, with 10% of individuals finding it horrifying. Ghosts ranked third on the list of Brits’ top fears, with 9% of respondents saying they were terrified of being haunted.

Arachnophobia, or the dread of spiders, was the top fear in every region of the UK, while the second-biggest spine chillers varied significantly by location.

Northern Ireland has the highest percentage of scaredy cats in the UK, with only 9% of respondents saying they are not afraid of anything. Nearly a quarter (22%) of East of England residents reported having no worries, making them the most fearless Brits who will endure the most frights this Halloween. The hardest-to-frighten Brits reside in Nottingham, closely followed by Glasgow and Norwich, with 22%, 21%, and 20% of each group claiming to be phobia-free. On the other hand, Belfast (9%), Liverpool (11.4%), and Sheffield (11.5%) had the highest level of fearfulness and the lowest likelihood of having no anxieties for Halloween.

However, many of our greatest anxieties now are more grounded in reality and less otherworldly. Many of these were dreaded more than the most prevalent phobias.

The cost of living problem, which is feared by more than one-third (35%) of British people, is the country’s most immediate source of panic. One in five (20%) people fear the environmental problem, while 27% are afraid of the unavoidable aging process.

As Halloween draws near, people wishing to frighten their friends might want to rethink their Halloween decorations or costumes and choose one of Britain’s greatest phobias instead. Visit Ginger Ray for advice on how to celebrate Halloween with the scariest theme possible.

*Censuswide conducted the study for Ginger Ray using a sample of 2004 respondents who were nationally representative. For age, gender, and region, quotas were applied to nationally representative proportions. The survey fieldwork was conducted between September 20 and September 22, 2023. Censuswide is a member of the British Polling Council and adheres to the Market Research Society, which is founded on the ESOMAR principles.

Source- Travel biz


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