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Opening of the 52nd Skal Asia Congress in Bali

Opening of the 52nd Skal Asia Congress in Bali

The first Skal Asia Congress to take place in person since the epidemic began today with a fanfare that welcomed Skalleagues from the more than a dozen nations that make up this vibrant Skl International area to Asia. Emphasizing the association’s lengthy 91-year history’s strong links of friendship and solidarity once more. A little under 18% of all global members are represented by the Asia Area.

Juan Steta, the president of Skl World, Denise Scrafton, the vice president, and Mohan, the director of NSN, were there, as well as Peter Morrison, the former president of Skl World, and national presidents and their representatives from five NatComs in the area. Australia, with its 855 members, led by President Ivana Patalano, had the largest contingent.

On the first day of the Congress on the Island of the Gods, the Bali Club, led by President Stefan Mueller and IPP Stuart Bolwell, put on a professionally run and well planned opening ceremony. The event took place at the stunning Merusak Hotel Nusa Dua and was directed by skilled Scottish GM Ian Mc.D Campbell.

Skl is a reputable group of tourism industry executives that work to advance both international travel and friendship. It is the only organization on a global scale that unites all segments of the travel and tourism sector. The managers and executives that make up this group gather on a local, national, regional, and worldwide level to debate and pursue issues of shared interest. Following an informative trip to Scandinavia, travel managers established the first Club in Paris in 1932. As the concept of mutual understanding and friendship spread, the “Association Internationale des Skl Clubs” was established in 1934 with Florimond Volckaert serving as its inaugural president. Volckaert is regarded as the “Father of Skl.”

Currently, there are over 12,100 members of Skal International spread throughout 308 Clubs in 86 different countries. The majority of Skl International’s operations take place at the local level, rising through National Committees, and are overseen by its General Secretariat in Torremolinos, Spain.

Source: traveldailymedia

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