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Recent layoffs at major tourism companies may help with broader industry skills shortage challenges.

Recent layoffs at major tourism companies may help with broader industry skills shortage challenges.

What do a number of the major travel firms, including American Airlines, Sabre, Amex GBT, Tripadvisor, Expedia, and others, have in common this year?

Apparently, following in the footsteps of significant tech corporations last year, they are all among the big players in the travel industry that have made redundancy rounds of varied amounts this year.

However, since the epidemic triggered a significant exodus of workers to other professions, the larger travel technology industry has been struggling with a skills deficit. Could the layoffs at the major travel agencies be good news for the employment market in the travel technology sector? Numerous travel industry professionals were questioned about whether they believed that things might be about to change or if longer-term difficulties still lay ahead.

Considering this from the standpoint of the travel insurance sector According to Katie Crowe of the travel insurance provider Battleface, “they are typically not front-line, low-skilled workers, and the experience they can contribute to other businesses is quite valuable. At a time when such individuals are critically missing throughout the majority of the travel arena, talent from the HR, finance, IT departments, sales & marketing, and more is extremely welcome.

Meanwhile, much of the talent that is suddenly available on the market is tremendously alluring for travel companies, whose whole offering is tech-based and depends upon ongoing innovation. We’re on the verge of NDC for airlines actually taking off, and more and more airlines are investing in making this a reality, according to Alice Ferrari of aviation technology company Kyte. But almost all of the necessary profiles are currently difficult to locate. Therefore, the aviation tech sector, including Kyte, is attempting to ensure that the best of that recently released talent comes to work for us. Offering them interesting employment options where they believe they can lead actual innovation and create something that will significantly change the way travel is booked, perhaps while experimenting with more recent technologies like blockchain and AI, is the key.

Even at the level of the individual hotel properties, Alex Barros from hotel revenue management supplier BEONx is happy to see new talent arrive. Because they are overburdened at the front-office dealing with unprecedented numbers of guests, he says that “recently too many hotels have been delaying investing in and improving back-office and marketing role. The function of revenue management has been impacted by this. Therefore, anything that gives the owners breathing room to invest in technology solutions once more should be appreciated. Longer time, this will yield them huge dividends.

The insurance company insuring travel agencies, Trust My Group, says that “sub-industries within travel, like travel fintech providers, stand to benefit from these recent layoffs by shifting talent around the industry to the areas where it is most needed.” We’ve already received some applications from well-known artists who have lately lost talent, and we welcome more, of course.
Source- Travel daily

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