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TRIPBAM releases updated version of smart sourcing for hotel RFPs

TRIPBAM releases updated version of smart sourcing for hotel RFPs

To ensure quick response times for customers and hoteliers, TRIPBAM has also increased the size of its support staff.

DALLAS – TRIPBAM has released the most recent iteration of Smart Sourcing for hotel RFPs. TRIPBAM is a global provider of air and hotel fare/rate reshopping, auditing, benchmarking, and sourcing. With this new upgrade, travel professionals now have access to an even more potent engine for automating and streamlining their hotel procurement tasks.

By minimising manual labour for corporate travel buyers and hoteliers, TRIPBAM Smart Sourcing, which debuted in late 2019, assures a more effective RFP process.

According to David Mollov, EVP of Hotel Solutions at TRIPBAM, “We’ve spent the last three years working with clients and their hotel partners to eliminate waste from what has traditionally been a long and time-consuming exercise.” “This most recent release takes ease of sourcing for buyers, national account managers, and hotel properties even further.”

Improvements to TRIPBAM Smart Sourcing include:

  • An improved RFP dashboard to assist buyers in assessing supplier replies and speed up and simplify decision-making
  • Self-extracting bids in popular travel agency formats including PRDS, HARP, Concur, and GBTA
  • Increased ability to convert currencies
  • A comprehensive National Sales Manager dashboard set up with input from hotel chains to allow chains to participate in the RFP process
  • Resources for buyers, national account managers (NAMs), and properties that have been updated and enhanced

To ensure quick response times for customers and hoteliers, TRIPBAM has also increased the size of its support staff.

According to Steve Reynolds, founder and CEO of TRIPBAM, “a number of the legacy RFP service providers are closing down their sourcing operations.” Instead, “We’ve made the investment to develop a product that addresses persistent problems with corporate hotel sourcing.”

In order to save customers money, cut down on manual procedures, and improve supplier contract performance, TRIPBAM’s Smart Sourcing works in conjunction with its other products, such as hotel reshopping, contract audits, and benchmarking. In 2022, the number of corporate customers of Smart Sourcing quadrupled year over year, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023.

The updated edition of Smart Sourcing is available right away for use by travel managers and corporate travel departments wishing to improve their hotel sourcing strategy.

Source: traveldailynews

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