Starfish Travel Corporation

World's Capital for Visa Services and Documentation Group's Envision 2023 travel industry forecast Group’s Envision 2023 travel industry forecast

At its Envision 2023 global partner conference today, Group presented its outlook on travel. Globally, 700 business partners from the industry attended the conference.

Travel is distinctive, as Group Chairman James Liang noted in his video talk. It not only fosters economic expansion and progress but also satisfies our desire for intellectual stimulation. The Group is committed to improving the travel experience while upholding responsible business practices. We think that travel, as a basic human need, has the ability to spur innovation, advance society, and promote a stronger feeling of global unity and understanding.

Speaking during the conference, Group CEO Jane Sun reviewed the company’s history, highlighting the numerous initiatives and programs put in place over the previous three years to help its partners. Group has actively worked with partners over the years to support their efforts in serving Chinese tourists, who are among the top spenders in several worldwide markets, across hotels, airlines, holidays, and attractions. Chinese travelers accounted for 15% of all worldwide spending in 2019; post-pandemic, this percentage is expected to rise sharply.

  • Increasing the Value of Partners at All Levels

Sun specifically discussed the techniques used by Group to work with its partners to map out the future of the travel and tourism sector. In order to link our partners with our users, Group has recently improved its technology capabilities while also implementing focused marketing plans in a number of markets. These include, among other things, the introduction of TripGenie, our AI travel helper, and our series of BOSS Live video sessions.

“At this time, we are in a good position to help our partners seize fresh opportunities and broaden their consumer bases internationally. We will make use of our technologies to improve the positioning and exposure of our partners’ products among our customers, particularly the high-spending Chinese clients. The travel and tourism sector considerably boosts the global GDP and jobs, and Group will keep utilizing cutting-edge technology and creativity to forge new paths for our partners’ expansion.

  • Creating a Sustainable Vision for Future Travel

The company’s top leadership studied extensive ESG strategies and the sustainability practices of the sector in relation to sustainability.

Sun reaffirmed the favorable outlook in a revitalized, environmentally sensitive setting. “The opportunities ahead are immense in this revitalized travel industry,” she declared. With our innovative use of cutting-edge technology, growing partnership network, and strong investor confidence, we are ready to change the travel industry. We imagine a future where travel is not just abundant but also greener and more responsible as we take advantage of these opportunities. The future of travel is bright for our investors, partners, and customers, and together we will travel in that direction.

Let us imagine a future where travel is more than just a destination; let it be a transformative experience, Ms. Sun said in closing, thanking the partners for their assistance over the years. We can map out the direction of travel together.

Source- Travel daily

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