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Increased demand for airline and travel refunds in the UK as industry disruption occurs

Increased demand for airline and travel refunds in the UK as industry disruption occurs

Due to increased disruption and cancellations in the airline industry, analysis from BR-DGE shows that UK online search volumes for travel refunds increased 17.9% in the seven days leading up to Friday, July 21. The busiest day in June 2023 for UK consumers looking for airline and travel agency refunds was Wednesday, June 7.

During June 2023, searches for travel refunds on the five biggest airlines and travel sellers’ websites in the UK decreased by 44.1% year over year, with EasyJet experiencing the biggest decline. “The situation for airlines and travel agents right now is a tale of two stories,” said BR-DGE Senior Travel Specialist Emily Whaley in response to the analysis. One the one hand, as consumer demand for vacations and quick getaways continues to be high, travel demand is outpacing expectations and supply.

On the other hand, the sector faces a number of challenges because a summer of strike action will make it more likely that vacationers will experience cancellations, delays, and disruptions. This summer, there will undoubtedly be a large number of refund and delay repayment requests due to the severe travel disruption that has recently affected Europe, as most recently demonstrated by the recent heatwave and wildfires.

The industry cannot rest on its laurels when it comes to refunds, even though our analysis shows that searches for refunds among UK consumers have decreased by almost half since last year when airports experienced staff shortages.

The refund process is cumbersome and difficult for many holiday travellers who have encountered disruptions, which worsens the already unpleasant experience. However, because refunds play a significant role in the customer experience, there is a real chance for airlines and travel agencies to replace antiquated systems and offer customers a top-notch end-to-end payment experience.

“The speed at which travel companies handle refunds strengthens their credibility, ensuring that their relationship with customers doesn’t deteriorate. It is crucial that travel sellers put forth great effort to make refunds first-class as demand for refunds rises amid growing disruption.

Source- Travel daily

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