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The COVID-19 Pandemic recovery efforts and tourist resilience-building measures led to Jamaica receiving the CHTA’s (Caribbean Hotel and tourist Association) Destination Resilience Award.
The Caribbean Destination Resilience Award honours travel destinations that have a conscious focus on resilience as evidenced by their efforts to achieve some or all of the 17 sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). Emphasis is put particularly on showcasing locations that follow a collaborative and partnership-focused philosophy, involving both public and private sector players in cutting-edge, need-driven solutions.

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, Jamaica was at the forefront of thinking leadership. A COVID-19 Recovery Taskforce including representatives from the public and corporate sectors was promptly established on the island under the direction of the Hon. Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Tourism. Jamaica’s borders were reopened in June 2020 thanks to the creative actions from this Taskforce, and they haven’t been closed since.

The award is for my whole tourist team and all of our business and public sector partners who instantly recognised the necessity to maintain the lifeblood of the nation open, the Hon. Edmund Bartlett, Minister of tourist, stated while accepting it. Jamaica was the first nation to make headway on the path to recovery because to the team’s creative thinking and labour of love.

To assist slow the spread of the disease, strict health and safety procedures were put in place. In fact, the World Travel and Tourism Council gave its “Safe Travels” seal of approval to these guidelines. Jamaica was able to resume tourist operations in these specified locations with the establishment of Resilient Corridors since they had a robust COVID-19 infrastructure.

According to Mrs. Nicola Madden-Greig, president of the CHTA, “It is an honour to recognise my home country with this destination resilience award as it validates the countless hours and effort that went into the recovery through our public and private sector partners to ensure the survival of tourism.”

“Reopening our borders in such a short period of time was no easy feat, and this award highlights the importance of partnerships in a crisis,” said Donovan White, director of tourism. We’re very appreciative and grateful for this honour.

Source: breakingtravelnews

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