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On vacation, 64% of Brits say they are more willing to take risks

On vacation, 64% of Brits say they are more willing to take risks

According to recent data from Royal Caribbean International, 64% of Brits agree that being on vacation makes them feel more courageous to attempt new activities. Therefore, the cruise company has partnered with freestyle football world champion Liv Cooke for a truly exceptional world record attempt onboard Symphony of the Seas in Barcelona, in the spirit of being daring and breaking personal travel objectives.

The freestyler broke the previous record by successfully landing 76 alternating reverse crossovers in 30 seconds. All of this takes place in front of the breathtaking AquaTheater on Royal Caribbean’s Symphony of the Seas.

Liv is urging everyone to push themselves beyond their comfort zones as a special way to celebrate her first voyage on board. Her accomplishments come in the wake of a recent survey* conducted by the cruise line, which revealed that 44% of Britons use travel to experience new things.

The top five travel objectives for individuals this year were as follows:

  • Travelling to a new nation(29%)
  • Eating strange and novel meals (28%)
  • Fitness improvement (23%).
  • Learning a new language or culture (22%)
  • A theatre performance (22%)

Source: traveldailymedia

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