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Sicilian village goes viral over unique shape

Sicilian village goes viral over unique shape

Sicily, an Italian island, contains a hamlet whose distinctive design has made it popular online.

The little town of Centuripe is well-known for its numerous Roman ruins and unique old sculptures, but a drone shot from the air has unveiled its unique shape—an amazing likeness to a human with extended arms.

Pio Andrea Peri, a photographer and drone pilot, discovered his hometown’s peculiar appearance on Google Earth and decided to use his drone to verify it.

He started capturing pictures while flying his drone as high as he could over the town.

To his amazement, it displayed a human shape. However, Peri reportedly had to combine several images to fit the entire village due to the limitations of his drone.

Two larger building sections that appear to be ‘arms’ and ‘legs’ are visible in aerial photographs, while a fifth, shorter stretch appears to be the ‘head’.

He claimed, “It was a difficult shot to create. “Due to the drone’s height restriction, I had to take multiple shots.”

Peri took the pictures in 2021, and they have subsequently reappeared on social media, where many users have been astounded by how much the settlement resembles a human being.

Some people who are gazing down from above may see a guy lying down, while others may just see a starfish. Who are you? What do you notice keeping an eye on Centuripe? Alongside one of his aerial photos, he posed a question to his Instagram followers.

One person said, “Wow, this town has such an amazing shape.”

I adore this! I picture a guy enjoying the earth in freedom!” another wrote.

In the meanwhile, a local praised the photographer’s work.

“We are pleased that a master like you gave Centuripe some publicity. Beautiful images,” someone wrote.

Others called the form of the settlement “crazy”, “incredible” and “cool”.

Would love to observe how they move about. One road may be seen circling the perimeter. Very interesting,” a user on Facebook commented.

Another person remarked, “I’m on my way from the right arm, should be to the left arm in about an hour or so.”

Another said, “There’s a town shaped like a person in a country shaped like a boot.”

While many people were astounded by Peri’s images, some claimed he had altered them.

“The strange form of this settlement astounded the entire globe. Many people didn’t believe it to be true and thought I had drawn the picture on the computer, Pio told the Daily Mail.

But after discovering the truth through a Google Earth search, many of them personally apologised for what they had said.

I’m pleased with my work and the images; as a self-taught individual, I have a lot of faith in what I do.

He described the challenges involved in producing the final picture.

“I manually layered roughly 18 shots in post-production, which required two hours of editing. I’m delighted with the outcome.

The mayor of the community at the time asked photographer Peri to host a picture display.

With a population of roughly 5000, the historic town of Centuripe is situated on a hill at a height of about 730 metres above sea level.

With its narrow, winding lanes that descend to terraced dwellings, the town’s current form and design are thought to date to the sixteenth century.

According to rumours, the lovely passageways were built for moving animals.

Giuseppe Garibaldi, an Italian commander, referred to Centuripe as “the balcony of Sicily” because of its prominent location.

The renowned Mt. Etna, one of the planet’s most active volcanoes, as well as expansive vistas of the surrounding countryside are both visible from the town’s highest point.


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