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The ‘GenerAsian’ traveler is a new generation of Asians

The top global hospitality business Hilton has identified a new generation of Asian travelers who are seeking travel experiences that will help them better understand their identities as it prepares to release its 2024 Trends Report. Asians who are motivated by self-discovery and seek a deeper understanding of their own cultural and ancestry through travel are known as “GenerAsian travelers.”

A resounding chorus of visitors from the Asia Pacific area reported a growing confidence in self-exploration in a global poll conducted in conjunction with Ipsos. In fact, a startling 83% of respondents said they are pleased of how much their own nation is becoming a sought-after travel destination, and 84% said they are gratified by how much Westerners value Asian cuisine, fashion, and culture.

Globalization, which has improved accessibility to and understanding of Asia for foreign audiences through pop culture and social media, is to blame for this shift in global taste. In addition, the region has experienced significantly increased representation in the entertainment, food, and beverage, and other businesses — from internationally acclaimed restaurants to top-grossing Hollywood movies.

In order to design experiences that are specific to each generation’s requirements and preferences, we regularly track their travel inclinations. Ben George, senior vice president and commercial director, Asia Pacific, Hilton, said: “Fueled by a sense of pride that Asian food, design, and culture are gaining prominence globally, we know this will have even more relevance and intrigue for tourists in the future year.

In fact, according to our research, 77% of APAC visitors want to travel in order to better understand their own cultures, and 75% want to discover more about other Asian cultures. We continue to be dedicated to providing creative solutions to guarantee that our guests can fully immerse themselves in both our hotels and their communities since we feel that a wonderful stay is the heart of a fantastic vacation.

For Asians, access to regional cuisine is a top priority.

When choosing their lodging, travelers have different priorities. Convenience may be important to some, but pricing is still a major consideration for others. Asian consumers are more likely than survey respondents from other nations to base their hotel reservations on having access to special local experiences, which is consistent with their travel motivations. According to respondents in Hilton’s global study, a much larger percentage of those from China (81%), India (77%) and Singapore (70%) said they always or frequently do this.

88% of respondents categorically listed discovering local and traditional cuisine and drink as the most significant experience that Asian visitors value throughout their visits. A sizable majority (84%) also expressed a want to learn more about the culture, history, and traditions of the place they are visiting, and a comforting 78% expressed a desire to interact with the local community while traveling.

In the Hilton 2024 Trends Report study, respondents from China, India, Japan, and Singapore all cited culinary experiences as the top priority for their travel plans for the coming year. Food and drink also emerged as a common interest among Asian respondents. In contrast, in the majority of the other markets surveyed, pleasure or pampering as well as exploration and adventure activities appeared as the top financial priorities.

In comparison to other markets examined, a higher percentage of consumers in Asian nations are cutting back on other aspects of their lives (82% in India, 74% in China, and 74% in Singapore against 64% globally) to make sure they can prioritize travel in the upcoming year. Compared to the global average of 65%5, significantly more tourists from China (85%), India (81%) and Singapore (73%) are also likely to spend more on travel in 2024 than they did in 2023.

“At Hilton, we’ve observed a growing interest in self-discovery and the desire for an even deeper understanding of one’s heritage, and this will be an even more important consideration for travelers in 2024,” the statement continued. This idea of the GenerAsian traveler and their desire for exploration is supported, interestingly, by 71% of all Asia Pacific respondents who said they will prioritize traveling in the coming 12 months, according to Alexandra Jaritz, senior vice president, Brand Management, Asia Pacific, Hilton.

She continued, “Hilti will enable customers to thoroughly connect and immerse themselves in the destinations they choose to travel to through our continual brand innovation, gastronomic experiences, and world-renowned hospitality.

Understanding Generational Differences in Expectations of International Travelers

These studies were conducted as part of research for Hilton’s 2024 Trends Report, which intended to identify the traveler’s profile in 2024 while also focusing on the needs and preferences of the various generations. In-depth interviews with hundreds of Hilton travel experts and a global survey of more than 10,000 travelers from nine countries led to the discovery of four themes that are anticipated to drive change and innovation in the travel industry in 2024 and beyond:

Travelers Will Invest in Their Sleep: Gen Zs are the most deliberate about relaxing, with 21% controlling their exercise schedule and 25% abstaining from alcohol before bed. The top sleep factors in Asia Pacific, according to respondents, were listening to music or podcasts (33%) and picking a reputable hotel chain with consistent mattress quality (27%).

Travelers Will Value Personalization and Connectivity: 86% of Millennials and 83% of Gen Z respondents stated it’s crucial to be able to book their vacation totally online, with 80% of global travelers and 83% in Asia Pacific agreeing.

Leisure Travel Decisions Will Be Influenced by Culture and Experiences: Globally and in the Asia Pacific area, travelers’ top priorities are food and drink (49%) and exploration and adventure (47%). Gen Xers (48%) and Baby Boomers (45%) are the generations most passionate about their plans for their dining budgets, while Gen Z and Millennials (52% for both) set aside more money than other generations do for travel and adventure events.

More than a third of Gen Z and Millennial business travelers say they intend to extend a business trip to enjoy leisure time before or after their work obligations, and 24% of global business travelers intend to bring a friend or relative along with them on a business trip next year. These business travel trends will redefine expectations.

Source- Travel daily

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