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To strengthen their business relationship, Garuda Indonesia and Singapore Airlines propose a joint venture agreement.

To strengthen their business relationship, Garuda Indonesia and Singapore Airlines propose a joint venture agreement.

Today, Garuda Indonesia (GA) and Singapore Airlines (SIA) revealed their intentions to form a joint venture that would strengthen their existing partnership, boost travel options for passengers between Singapore and Indonesia, and increase passenger capacity between the two nations.

The planned joint venture will operate flights between Singapore and Denpasar, Jakarta, and Surabaya, pending regulatory permission. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that the two airlines signed in November 2021 will be expanded upon by this.

In order to provide consumers with more seamless flight connection between the two nations and beyond, it would be possible for Garuda Indonesia and Singapore Airlines to coordinate schedules between Singapore and Indonesia. The airlines will also investigate putting new ideas into practice, such as shared fare items and corporate programme alignment to improve the value proposition for customers.

“With the existence of more than a decade of collaboration between these two national flag carriers, this joint venture agreement, as a further milestone of the partnership expansion initiative, will undoubtedly strengthen the commitment between the two carriers at the same time, delivering a seamless and beneficial flying experience to both of our customers across the globe,” said Irfan Setiaputra, President and Chief Executive Officer of Garuda Indonesia.

The joint venture agreement is also a component of our efforts to enhance the performance of our business through our network strategy by partnering with our strategic airline partners, particularly Singapore Airlines, to optimize our network. With this initiative, the two airlines have agreed to look into additional benefits for their respective clients, enabling them to take advantage of a variety of flight schedules and higher-quality services across the networks of Garuda Indonesia and Singapore Airlines.

“Additionally, this deepening relationship may strengthen traveler flows between Indonesia and Singapore, making it simpler for foreign tourists to plan their remarkable South East Asia journey — visiting Singapore’s uniqueness, exploring Indonesia’s multiculturalism, and taking in the stunning scenery that awaits across its islands.”

The long-standing collaboration between Garuda Indonesia and Singapore Airlines would be strengthened by this joint venture, according to Goh Choon Phong, chief executive officer of Singapore Airlines. It demonstrates our steadfast commitment to expanding the aviation markets in Singapore and Indonesia, enabling deeper interpersonal and commercial ties and elevating both nations as popular tourist destinations in the region. Even more advantages will be provided to our customers, such as increased network connectivity, improved travel convenience, and more fare possibilities.

Source: traveldailymedia

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