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True travel subscription services are rare, but they are developing quickly, according to a study

True travel subscription services are rare, but they are developing quickly, according to a study

‘Hit that subscribe button: subscription services in the travel industry’ is the headline of a comprehensive white paper about the travel subscriptions market that WayAway has just released. The report examines the history of subscription services in the travel industry and conducts interviews with experts like Adam Levinter, author of Subscription Boom, and Mauricio Prieto, founder of eDreams, in addition to developing a formal definition of what constitutes a travel subscription service and surveying the market to identify the current players in the US.

The relatively little research we’d seen into travel subscriptions seemed to vary wildly in what was and what was not classified as either travel or a subscription. In addition, not much of it was up-to-date or took into account the long evolution of such services from as far back as 2011 when introduced the first plan. Therefore, we determined that before starting any investigation, we should define the space at a basic level and map out the universe of present participants.

There are much fewer travel subscription services than you might think—only 49 in the US market, which shocked us on two fronts. Additionally, the fact that the majority of these are recent—they date from within the past few years—indicates a boom with a very distinct tendency towards increased expansion. We are adamant that years from now, we will look back and realize that this was a turning moment.

WayAway was established in the summer of 2022 to provide passengers with a website that compares flight prices and has the lowest prices on airline tickets. The business also provides a premium membership programme called “WayAway Plus” as part of its services, which pays customers real’ payback on all bookings in the form of money delivered to their bank accounts.

Source: traveldailymedia

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