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US Relaxes H-1B Visa Renewal Standards

US Relaxes H-1B Visa Renewal Standards

As part of the people-to-people initiative, U.S. authorities have announced the introduction of ‘in-country’ renewable H-1B visas. This initiative aims to simplify the H-1B visa renewal process for Indian professionals who are presently working in the United States on an H-1B visa.

This development eliminates the need for Indian professionals to travel abroad to renew their work visas. The US visa office made the announcement just before Thursday’s crucial bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Joe Biden at the White House in Washington, DC.

H-1B visas, also known as work visas, are essential for technology companies that annually acquire tens of thousands of employees from countries such as India. The validity period for these visas is three years.

When H-1B visa holders renew their visas, their passports must be inscribed with the new expiration dates. This certificate is required if they intend to travel outside the United States and reenter the country. It is essential to note, however, that H-1B visa re-stamping is not permitted within the United States and must be done at a consulate.

Source: travelbizmonitor

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