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Airbnb to expect more than 300 million guest this year

Airbnb to expect more than 300 million guest this year

This year, Airbnb anticipates a record number of visitors despite escalating economic uncertainty, with a renewed focus on renting single rooms.

Airbnb is confident about consumers’ appetite to travel despite increased living expenses; the business anticipates hosting more than 300 million visitors this year.

According to the short-term rental website, nights stayed in private room listings in Australia increased by over 50% last year as tourists looked for more economical lodging choices.

According to data given by Airbnb, private room hosts in Australia made $92.3 million in total, with the average private room host making more than $4160.

According to Susan Wheeldon, Airbnb’s national manager for Australia, the company remains confident in clients’ willingness to travel despite shifting economic difficulties.

More individuals are using Airbnb to travel; as of today, there have been 1.4 billion total guest arrivals worldwide.

We observe more visitors visiting over a larger range of dates and locations, and guests now possess a previously unattainable level of flexibility.

While Australians are keeping a tight rein on their money, Ms. Wheeldon said there is still a strong desire to travel, which is primarily motivated by the need for connection.

She told that according to an Airbnb worldwide study, more than 60% of travellers thought that using Airbnb allowed them to connect with the local culture more closely than doing so by staying in a hotel or resort.

Since Airbnb’s launch, “more than 14 million guests have returned to the same host for a subsequent stay.”

The most popular categories for visitors to Australia are beach, incredible pools, surfing, national parks, and tropical.

Since we launched Airbnb Categories in May of last year, rooms have remained one of our most popular accommodation options, ranking as the third most booked category worldwide, according to Ms. Wheeldon. “Millennials and solo travellers are most likely to book a private room,” says Expedia.

People want vacation to be inexpensive in the present economic climate, she claimed, and private rooms are one such choice.

According to her, the average cost of a private room in Australia is $104 a night.

With the easing of the pandemic travel restrictions, Airbnb anticipates receiving over 300 million visitors this year.

“To get ready, we’re making the most comprehensive set of improvements across almost every aspect of the Airbnb experience, and we’re doing it based on direct feedback from our community,” said Airbnb.

Starting with the launch of Airbnb Rooms, Airbnb has revealed 50 new features and enhancements as of Thursday.

“Airbnb Rooms is a whole unique spin on Airbnb. According to her, Airbnb Rooms are more reasonably priced for visitors and provide them the chance to make new friends and explore the area like a native.

For around $100 per night, guests can rent a room in the same house or flat as their host.

Despite the fact that Airbnb has long featured single rooms in homes and flats, the business claims the new service will provide additional biographical information about hosts. Additionally, customers may search listings to find out information like whether the toilet is private or shared and if the bedroom door locks.

“We’ve heard from guests that they want to know more about who they’re staying with, which is why we’ve introduced Host Passports, a fun way for hosts to share additional details about themselves, including what they do for work, fun facts about themselves, and much more,” said Ms. Wheeldon.

In order to improve our service, “we’ve taken a design-driven approach, storyboarding the entire guest and host journey, and analysing thousands of pieces of community feedback.”

In addition to the 25 host-focused changes, Airbnb is introducing new pricing tools to assist hosts establish reasonable charges as part of the new features and upgrades.

Source: escape

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