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Prague Airport expects to handle over three million passengers this season

Prague Airport expects to handle over three million passengers this season

The entire airport is covered by a recruiting effort for open vacancies.

Prague Airport is getting ready for a busy summer, when it anticipates handling more than three million passengers, based on current projections. Travellers should prepare for their travel in advance and go to the airport at least two hours prior to takeoff.

The busy summer season has returned. We have spent a lot of time preparing for this. We started a recruiting effort and invited potential candidates to two recruitment events at the airport, where we presented them with a range of career opportunities. We collaborate closely with tour operators and give travellers advice on how to be ready for trip. Ji Pos, Chairman of the Prague Airport Board of Directors, said, “We are also starting measures that will ease the challenging summer traffic for us in the coming years, such replacing X-rays at security screening locations.

The entire airport is covered by the recruiting drive for open posts.

“Providing travellers with information on how to be ready for their trip far in advance has proven valuable for us. Therefore, we are continuing our broad education effort this year and urging travellers to get to the airport early—at least two hours before departure. Additionally, after checking in, we ask them to proceed directly to passport control or security,” said Eva Krej, director of communications.

Source: traveldailynews

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