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Over the next 12 months, consumers will spend 28% more on travel, according to Outpayce

Over the next 12 months, consumers will spend 28% more on travel, according to Outpayce

According to Outpayce, a fully owned Amadeus subsidiary, the consumer demand for travel is anticipated to continue strong over the next twelve months despite ongoing economic uncertainty. This is according to the second edition of the “Consumer travel spend priorities” report.

Consumers once more ranked “international travel” as their top priority for discretionary spending out of a total of six categories.

All spending categories saw a slight increase from the research from the previous year, suggesting a shaky improvement in consumer confidence overall. However, the highest percentage gain was seen in the proportion of respondents who rated travel as a “high priority” for the upcoming year, which grew to 47%, up 12% from the previous year.

Travellers anticipate spending an average of $3,422 on international travel in the upcoming year, a major rise of $753 per consumer or 28% from the previous year.

Source- Travel daily

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