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BEONx draws attention to the expanding significance of sustainability in the hospitality sector

BEONx draws attention to the expanding significance of sustainability in the hospitality sector

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important as the global hospitality sector develops since it not only matches with customer values but also has a big impact on a hotel’s online reputation and financial success. Leading provider of cutting-edge revenue management systems BEONx is aware of how important sustainability is to the hospitality sector and how it affects hotel profitability.

Hotels have long used a solid web reputation as a potent marketing tool to encourage direct bookings and guest reservations. Positive reviews are a reward for hotels that put the needs of their guests first and offer outstanding service. This leads to an upward booking spiral, higher revenue, and increased profitability. As a result, online reputation management technology has been widely embraced by the sector and integrated into the revenue management mindset.

The hospitality sector has, however, seen a change in customer attitudes and tastes in recent years. Travellers are increasingly looking for lodging options that support their social and environmental ideals. Sustainability has become a crucial distinction that affects customers’ choices and builds a hotel’s reputation. Sustainability is the new online reputation, as evidenced by the fact that sustainability activities are already changing reputation rankings.

Initiatives focused on sustainability not only help hotels’ reputations but also directly boost their bottom lines. Hotels may make long-term savings and contribute to a greener future by lowering operational costs, increasing resource efficiency, and putting into practise strategies like energy conservation, waste reduction, and water management. The bottom line of hotels is directly impacted by the strategic business decision to be made on sustainability.

BEONx is at the forefront of this revolutionary movement, offering hotels creative ways to strategically match pricing with environmentally friendly practises. Hotels may maximise revenue potential while keeping a balance between profitability and environmental responsibility by combining BEONx’s revenue management technology with the Bioscore sustainability management system.

The BEONx Hotel Quality Index (HQI) provides a thorough examination of a hotel’s general quality, taking into account client segmentation and internet reputation. Given the significance of sustainability, HQI now takes into account the sustainability score supplied by the Bioscore integration. By taking a comprehensive approach, hotels may better understand their market positioning and enable BEONx’s technology to suggest the best pricing strategies in line with what customers are ready to spend.

According to Ruben Sánchez, CEO and cofounder of BEONx, “as sustainability becomes more and more influential in the hospitality industry, it is crucial for hotels to adapt and embrace this shift.” “At BEONx, we are committed to assisting hotels in their efforts to be sustainable by offering them cutting-edge revenue management solutions that not only maximize profitability but also promote environmental responsibility.”

Hotels may successfully use sustainability as a competitive advantage, enhance their online reputation, and appeal to the expanding market of eco-aware passengers by utilizing BEONx’s cutting-edge revenue management system and the integration with Bioscore.

Source: traveldailymedia

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